
20 Free Fact Sheet Templates (Word, PDF)

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A fact sheet template is a written type of data in which information about key points of something. However, this document is based on a fact that means everything is true in the sheet. Further, if the information on this page is not true which will defeat the purpose of the leaf and it will cause serious problems.


A fact page is having information about the company’s shareable data(such as technical data, product information and statistics). Further, these are the most important points and are distributing for important purposes. Fact documents always engage the material with the gripping element. People are curious about smoking and alcohol fact paper. Moreover, they present as reversal pyramids upside down. They cover high-level material to less valid arguments.


You can make a fact page in Microsoft word if you know the use of a format that highlights the most important points of the presentation. For Instance, the company fact document can make it by using bullet points, headings, tables with all summaries on a single page. This sheet contains technical information, statistical data, educational material, informative answers and questions and helpful advice from experts. Occasionally, it can be a concise summary document or report of the company.

Free Fact Sheet Templates

A fact sheet template is a document based on facts. Further, you can find plenty of documents free on the internet. You can customize it with text, font, bullet points, tables along header and footer margins.


What is a Personal Fact Sheet?

A personal sheet contains information about an individual. Further, the detail is about the basic information like individual name, age, sex, location and so on. Further, it contains educational background, work history, skills and abilities and characteristics. For Instance, if you ever fill out an information form you will be familiar with the personal data sheet. They use it in the same way as a resume.

How to write a Fact sheet Template?

Free fact sheets are available for download online in different formats. Further, some are available in bookstores that are already in printable form. In People’s opinion, they rely on those resources. There is a brief knowledge about how to write a fact page template.

  • You need to select the paper size and set its margin.
  • Selection of related and eye-catching snaps for your sheet. If pictures are catching a lot of people will read them.
  • Organize the sequence of information that will show which comes first and which comes later.
  • Choose a layout for your sheet and it will be easy for people to read and understand.
  • You can double-check spelling and grammatical errors.

Guidelines For Creating Fact Sheet

There is a ready-made online sheet and sample documents are available. Still, some people are interested in making their sheets. However, people don’t rely on ready-made. They are more satisfied by developing their Fact page. Further, such a category is of those people who make an impression. Moreover, they are such public who feel satisfaction about doing such job. There are few tips for those who make their fact page.


Decide about orientation on your sheet.


A One-page fact sheet for the information and the information which is quite useful based on fact is ideal for such kind of sheet. The information writes in it is correct. Further, the document is based on facts. You can make it more effective if you enter all relevant information on the fact page.

The sheet should follow the proper layout in which orientation, margin and indentation and spacing is included.

  • Different types of layouts are available. Further, there are some outstanding ones which you would prefer to create.
  • Use such font size and font style which is easy to read. An unread sheet is not workable.
  • If possible, make it in bullet form.
  • When you write about yourself don’t exaggerate and be honest.
  • Try to use references and reliable information. Fake information is harmful land dangerous.

Focus on making your fact sheet colourful and attractive. People spend most of their time in making it more readable but if you see the content it’s useless. Try to make it nice and readable for the people.

Spell-checking and grammatical errors are vital and it does amazing effects on your document.

What defines the Fact Sheet of the Company?

A fact sheet regarding company contains the detail about the company, products and services. The company itself provide true information in the sheet. Further, same like a personal fact sheet it also contains company information, the name of the CEO or president, the founder of the company, the business partners and the nature of business, products, services and the information about the existence of the company. Moreover, you give information about the history of the company, the background of the organization and how it did progress in a short time.

Citing a Fact sheet

The information in the sheet is based on facts, so it can be workable for the report, research or presentation. Further, there are many ways to cite a fact sheet. Here we will discuss the best ways for citing.

  • The author’s name which contains in the fact sheet is the one who compiles it.
  • The title in the fact sheet is where you put your citation and not where the title and fact came from.

If the fact document is for many pages like magazines or books, the format for books and magazines for citation purposes will follow.

Explanations behind Using Fact Sheets

Since records and reports are in many cases coursed in an association to spread information among the representatives and staff or with clients, figuring out how to make a fact sheet template, which is a summary of the more extended documents, is very fundamental. When appropriately utilized, fact sheets can be quite possibly the most straightforward, productive and helpful device you can use to communicate in the work environment.

We should investigate the top justifications for why you should begin utilizing fact sheets in your office:

They are Short and Direct

As recently expressed, fact sheets are typically 1 page long 2 pages would be extending it. Normally, you would just need a solitary page to have the option to share the most pertinent data about any issues, administrations or items in your association. Also, frankly, that one page is all that individuals would be intrigued enough to peruse.

It’s undeniably true that individuals (particularly in the corporate setting) have no time or want to peruse records with a lot of content. So if you have made a fact sheet template and it is around two pages or more, attempt to overhaul it until you’ve decreased all the data into a solitary page. Eliminate every unnecessary point and excess word.

On the off chance that you feel that you will not have the option to put immensely significant information on 1 or 2 pages, then you’d need to make an alternate fact sheet to discuss different pieces of the information you want to give out. Recollect, however, does not continue to lessen the textual style just to fit a solitary page. Your archive could turn out to be incoherent.

They are quite easy to Read and Understand

By and large, fact sheets are planned and designed to seem to be sites which have tabs or books which have sections. They ought to have headers to underline the main focuses.

These headers are significant so whoever peruses them can either peruse what follows or skirt the general purpose assuming they decide to. You genuinely must realize what precisely ought to be put as headers given the significance of the information. This would make your fact sheet simple to peruse and simple to appreciate.

They are Direct

Making a short organization fact sheet format would push you to diminish the content of the information you might want to share and consider what the central issues are so you be including just those focuses. Adding in an excessive amount of data wouldn’t be productive as individuals would lose interest in your fact sheet. Save the abundance of data for reports or different records which can be made longer and can contain much more content.

They are Cheap to Produce

Single-page fact sheets can be printed out utilizing your organization letterhead and then, at that point, duplicated clearly. They don’t need to be extravagant, brightly planned reports. You can likewise disseminate them around just when fundamental and to individuals who should be educated regarding them. Far better, you can decide to go paperless and either send the record in an email or post it on your site for download.

They Save a Huge Time and Effort

Since fact sheets are short, you won’t require a lot of time or work to understand them. Since they have headers and you can skip through parts you don’t need or have to peruse, you can save much additional time and exertion. At long last, if your fact sheet contains all the applicable data, you will not need to continue to respond to similar inquiries again and again.

These are the justifications for why you ought to begin utilizing fact sheets to spread information and convey it in the workplace. They are incredibly successful and on account of their temperament and design, the readers are probably going to read the whole document.

Valuable Resources for Your Fact Sheets

Making fact sheets includes a great deal of examination and obtaining to have the option to find the most dependable and most significant facts which you would require for your show. There are various types of facts which you could require, contingent upon the focal point of your fact sheet. When you know what to search for, you will see looking and obtaining much simpler and you will want to figure out current facts and overlook any data which you don’t require.

Here are a few assets you can look for while making a fact sheet:

General Demographic Facts

You can look for facts and measurements gathered from various states or regions in the country. While doing this, try to check the date when the examinations have been done so that you’re certain that the data is modern and you will not be discussing insights which are now old.

Looking for segment facts will probably provide you with a lot of results. Contingent upon the focal point of your fact sheet, you can get information about overall insights, cross-country measurements or even measurements just because of your town or your city.

There are likewise web search tools where you would have the option to redo the hunt standards to limit your pursuit and indicate what you are searching for precisely founded on your inclinations. This is an extremely helpful element, particularly on the off chance that you’re in a hurry and you would need to concoct the most reliable facts in a short measure of time.

General segment facts could remember insights for race and nationality, populace, orientation, age, lodging status and such. You can look through this socioeconomics as per the nations, states, towns or urban communities and then, at that point, contrast the outcomes and different spots.

Financial Facts

Assuming you’re searching for efficiency, work, pay rates and such, you would have to look for financial facts. Looking for such facts would assist you with diving deeper into the functions of the economy of the nation, city or even of different associations which you can gain from. These sorts of facts and measurements can assist you with pursuing significant choices in your association to expand efficiency and representative maintenance.

Facts About Children and the Younger Generation

Contingent upon the sort of association you have and the targets of making your fact sheet, you might have to check out facts and measurements about kids and the more youthful age. By looking at these, you will find out about contrasts between the adolescent who come from various racial and monetary foundations. This data would be valuable while concentrating on their wellbeing, schooling and, surprisingly, their inclinations particularly while you’re making a fact sheet about items which might revenue kids or a more youthful market.

Facts About Health and Food

Facts and measurements about wellbeing and food are vital as they show what patterns are ruling the market today. These days individuals are turning out to be an ever-increasing number of cognizant their ways of life and the food and beverages that they devour. Generally, associations in the food business are most keen on these sorts of facts as they can be utilized to figure out what new items ought to be presented or what current items ought to be taken out from the arrangement.

As may be obvious, there are numerous sorts of facts you can examine in your fact sheet. Pick your topic and track down the right facts to act as satisfactory for your document. Read on to learn more supportive tips.

Ways to make Fact Sheets

Before we begin seeing you would make your fact sheet layout, we should investigate a few supportive tips. Without these accommodating tips, you probably won’t have the option to make a powerful fact sheet to spread and convey the data you want around the work environment. Here are a few direct supportive tips:

  • Facts are significant however don’t add in that frame of mind of them. At the point when you do explore, you will in all likelihood find an abundance of facts, data, and measurements which you would need to add to your fact sheet. Control yourself, notwithstanding, as you will not have the option to fit that multitude of information on a solitary sheet.
  • While looking for facts and insights, utilize various sources. Adhering to only one source won’t be ideal as you don’t have any idea how exactly that source is, particularly if you’ve recently looked for it on the web. There are a lot of assets on the web so take a couple and see which facts they share for all intents and purposes.
  • A ton of facts and insights are much of the time irregular and lacking design. You would need to figure out which of these facts are the most reliable and present them so that they are organized and stream well in your fact sheet.
  • Take a stab at understanding remarks and surveys of your sources so you have input on how dependable your sources are. It would be exceptionally terrible for you to introduce facts that hold no fact.
  • Since you will get facts from various sources, including those sources in your record to keep any issues from arising.
  • Before you present your facts, make a point to manage them down and request them with the goal that they show up in your record consistently. The absolute first fact on your sheet ought to talk about the meaning of the issue you are managing.
  • Besides rationale, you need to ensure that every one of your facts is applicable. Facts and measurements are perfect however on the off chance that they are not applicable, they have no bearing on your fact sheet. Ensure you just incorporate facts that are connected with the central issues of concentration in your fact sheet to add to the meaning of your report.
  • You can likewise remember correlations for your fact sheet, for however long they are connected with your issues or to your fundamental themes.
  • Fact sheets with timetables rather than insights can likewise be made. Timetables can be utilized to show and characterize the ordered events in a solitary occasion outwardly. They can likewise be utilized to show how something new had become.

Your fact sheet ought to contain, yet doesn’t need to be restricted to the accompanying data:

  • Your kin you are in touch within the media.
  • The name or title of the occasion alongside a couple of sentences that depict or make sense of the entire occasion.
  • The date and accurate location of the occasion.
  • The times or time regions of the occasion.
  • Any significant data about tagging, for example, where individuals can buy them alongside the expense of the tickets.
  • Significant data, for example, the names of the contact individuals, telephone numbers, email locations, and, surprisingly, the site.
  • On the off chance that you’re new at making truth sheets, you can feel free to take a gander at certain models on the web and use them as references so you don’t pass up anything significant.

These tips are pivotal to help you in making your fact sheet or truth sheet format. Presently how about we continue to the fact making your template or making fact sheets in which you can involve to impart and spread data in your association?

Guidelines For Fact Sheet

  • Make it readable and use a font that is easy to read. For Instance, Times New Roman and font size are 12 or 14.
  • Keep your information text short, because most people don’t like big blocks of the paragraph.
  • If you require that you have to write in a paragraph you can do so. Further, make sure that your important material will come in the first paragraph.
  • Don’t assume about your reader that if you change the format they will easily understand and read it. Always provide relevant material in your sheet.
  • Use simple words, not nonsense ones. Most of the readers don’t keep dictionaries on hand. Therefore, simple words are easy to understand.
  • The use of bullets is better than paragraphs.
  • If you are referring to the sheet about a process that is different from one institution to another, you can give your email address, web address and contact details.


A fact sheet template in which information about the facts is there. You can make this document workable by providing actual information. The fake information will spoil the sheet. You can also download online different templates which are easy to use and can customize with font, size, color and margins, indentation and spacing.

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Shariq Ali

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