
Free Customizable Wanted Poster Templates [Word, PDF]

wanted poster template pdf

A wanted poster template is used to design a poster that is distributed among the public to inform them about a person whose authorities wish to apprehend. Law enforcement agencies use wanted poster templates that are accepted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

What is the wanted poster?

A wanted poster lets the public about the alleged criminal who is wanted by the law. The poster usually includes;

  • Description of the wanted person
  • The crime for which he/she is sought
  • The monetary award for the individual who catches the wanted criminal
  • A picture of the wanted person or facial composite image produced by the police.
  • Contact details

In addition, some posters also contain the person’s ages, gender, hair, height, and other unique characteristics from which he recognizes. Usually, these posters are created by a police department or other public government bureaus.

wanted poster template

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Word (.doc, .docx, .dotx)
Size: (729 KB)

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Word (.doc, .docx, .dotx)
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PDF (.pdf)
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Word (.doc, .docx, .dotx)
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PDF (.pdf)
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PDF (.pdf)
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Word (.doc, .docx, .dotx)
Size: (12 KB)

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Word (.doc, .docx, .dotx)
Size: (3641 KB)

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Word (.doc, .docx, .dotx)
Size: (622 KB)

What was the wanted poster in the Old West?

Wanted poster in the Old West was the only mode to inform the public that a crime has been committed. In the Old West, the poster includes the image of the person or the composite drawing, crime that was committed, identifying marks, and the reward for an individual who caught the criminal. However, at that time, composites were not good and due to this many innocent people were punished for the crime they didn’t commit.

History of the wanted posters:

In the 1800s, with the help of eyewitnesses, western security agencies made sketches of the criminals. They just used the single format of a wanted format. Thus, it became the standard format. In 1865, the most famous wanted poster of John Wilkes Booth was created, the man who killed President Abraham Lincoln. After that, in 2007, the FBI used the fast technique i.e. the electronic billboards to post a wanted poster.

Significance of the wanted poster:

Finding an escaped criminal isn’t easy but if you ask the public for help, the wanted poster makes it a bit easier for you. In this current era, instead of using sheets for wanted posters, people use advanced technology i.e. electronic billboards to let the public know about the escaped criminal. This is the best and effective way to alert the public about criminals. Moreover, to track down any criminal, law enforcement agencies pinned these posters at every crowded place. To attain attention toward this poster, you should use unique designs of wanted poster templates. With the advancement of technology, electronic media provides fast communication with the world than print media. With an electronic wanted poster, you can easily catch an escaped criminal. In addition, to aware people of this wanted person, a picture is sent to the different media channels for broadcasting.

Different types of wanted posters:

Different wanted posters are used for different purposes. Some of them are as follow;

Blank Wanted poster:

A blank wanted poster is perfect for you if you require an editable poster. According to your need, you can find the templates in different formats. Here law enforcement agencies can add all the above-mentioned information.

Best western wanted poster:

You can easily download the traditional wanted posters with cowboy or cowgirl hats with guns and bull images from any website.

Modern wanted poster:

Some people are satisfied with old western wanted posters but some people always demand something new. Also, these modern wanted poster templates are easily available on any website.

Cartoon wanted poster:

People not only use these posters for tracking down criminals, but they also use them for fun with family and friends. These wanted posters have cartoons, memes, and funny images.

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free wanted poster template
File Format
Word (.doc, .docx, .dotx)
Size: (106 KB)

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customizable wanted poster template
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Word (.doc, .docx, .dotx)
Size: (50 KB)

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PDF (.pdf)
Size: (135 KB)

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Powerpoint (.ppt, .pptm)
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File Format
Word (.doc, .docx, .dotx)
Size: (53 KB)


In conclusion, a wanted poster template is used by security agencies for better results. With the help of the template, you can easily add the image of the criminal and all other information you want to include in the wanted poster. However, creating a wanted poster is an efficient way to search for the escaped criminal.

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