
15+ Free Recipe Card Templates (Word / PDF)

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Cooking could be such a lot of tomfoolery, particularly when you have a go at creating new dishes. You can best create the dishes to serve on the supper table if you have the directions to do these. Utilizing recipe card templates could be the solution to your requests as these can assist you with organizing your guidelines and fixings making these simpler to read.


A short history of the recipe card

In more established days, the most loved recipes utilized by our distant grandparents showed up on bits of paper or cards put away in recipe boxes. Today, almost certainly, we take out these recipes from electronic gadgets or pieces of paper from online recipe sites. In any case, a large portion of us utilizes manually written recipe card templates, particularly those with prized recipes given over through ages. As the centuries progressed, individuals have given over recipes orally from one generation to the next. The approach of education had these recipes down on paper albeit, at the outset, the outcomes were frustratingly curt. This is a result of directions like “enough flour to make a stiff dough” or “bake until done” which weren’t intended to bestow anything new. Then the appearance of ladies’ magazines from the get-go in the twentieth century is the principal factor that brought composing recipes to light. Sustenance science turned into an “in-thing” and magazines needing to contact housewives, began looking for normalized recipes, going to the extent that offering recipe memberships for home conveyance imprinted on weighty card stock that had the organization’s logo imprinted on them. These printable recipe cards turned out to be enormously famous during the 30s and the 40s. Since the composed configuration for recipes got laid out, it didn’t take long when ladies began composing their recipe cards and this, thus, prompted the recipe card templates for Word that we have today. Clear recipe cards are an indication of how it came to be along with the recollections of cooking and eating these dishes with our families. Fundamentally, the habit of keeping recipe card layouts appears to have started from the very encouragement that makes us fill our racks with books we have previously perused or appreciate depictions of each getaway we go on.


What is the typical size of a recipe card?

Incredible dinners require the right fixings, sufficient opportunity, and an extraordinary recipe. On occasion, nonetheless, simply finding the recipe can be an errand all alone. Finding the recipe ought not to be the most troublesome aspect of cooking. In any case, with the utilization of recipe card templates, you can accumulate each of the best recipes in a single spot and afterwards coordinate them so you can find your top choices quicker. There are various styles of recipe cards yet the most standard sizes are:

  • 8.5-inches x 11-inches
  • 3-inches x 4-inches (list card style)
  • 4-inches x 6-inches (list card style)

How would I make my recipe cards?

The standard recipe card template for Word is an instrument that restaurant proprietors and chefs use to make them mindful of the expense of each dish on their eatery menu and the typical expense of all expenses per dish gives you the power source’s likely expense. This is quite possibly the main device used to measure food costs. After making your printable recipe cards, you can lay out the prevalence of every recipe through menu design. Knowing the yield of everything is constantly thought about while making recipes. Each standard recipe in your blank recipe card ought to have the accompanying:


Recipe Number

You will connect this number with the dish found on an expert sheet that you will make later.

Menu Category

This alludes to the part where you group a specific recipe under. A large portion of us has seen that menus fall into categories like soup, appetizers, primary course, snacks, and dessert. You can make an Excel sheet for every one of these classes.


Name of Dish

This alludes to the name of the dish.



This is another significant segment that many individuals neglect. It’s strongly prescribed to make recipes in light of 10 portions for eateries. For home use, base the bits on the number of relatives you have.



This contains an itemized rundown of all the food things you use for making the dish.


Knowing the amount you will deliver for a specific dish is vital while making recipes.


This is the fundamental estimation of the fixings. Bundled food things might differ in weight and size. It is, in this manner, essential to keep up with consistency regarding units. Involving kilograms for solids and then litres for liquids is suggested.

Unit Price

In light of various bundling, there can be a variety regarding costing. You can either keep these uniforms or information on the ongoing unit cost per unit.


This alludes to the absolute expense of the fixings while setting up the dish. You can acquire this worth by increasing the unit cost by the amount.

Miscellaneous Cost

This alludes to the additional expense for a recipe that records different elements during the planning like the salt you use while whitening, the flavours you add while cooking, etc.

Total Cost

This alludes to the amount of each of the costs of the fixings.

Waste and Drain

In figuring the all-out cost, apportion 5% of the all-out cost as cooking or defrosting misfortune, depleting frozen things, squandering, etc.

Cost per Portion

You can register this utilizing the absolute expense in addition to the 5% channel and waste isolated by the number of parts in each dish. As a result, you can add the strategy for an arrangement under the recipes to guarantee consistency through normalization.

Making recipe card templates for a restaurant

Frequently, 10% of food in restaurants as of now goes to waste even before it arrives at the client. For this, restaurants ought to be extra cautious concerning dividing control while serving their clients. Moreover, they ought to set up their prescribed procedures to get the primary concern. With regards to utilizing clear recipe cards for restaurants, there are key parts to incorporate. Here are the critical stages to consider while making a recipe card template for your restaurant:

Menu Item Name

The highest point of the printable recipe cards ought to bear the name of the dish printed so it will not get confused with another thing. You can likewise include the name of the restaurant and the chef who concocted the recipe.

Complete Preparation Time

Food ought to constantly arrive at the clients at its freshest, so including the planning time on the card will be extraordinary assistance.

Descriptions and Qualifiers

Save some space for how the number of servings that come from a solitary group, which part of the menu you can view this as, and a short depiction of the thing.


The primary pith of a recipe card is a rundown of elements for a specific dish, including their piece sizes. Accepting that it is the cook’s most memorable chance to make the dish, make your rundown as point by point as conceivable so the flavour will not go excessively far from the first. Implement the principles of the recipe as intently as conceivable concerning parcel sizes. Each time a chef wants to add “some extra,” this could build the fluctuation of your food cost and can adversely influence your primary concern. Then again, if an alternate cook diminishes the fixings a lot by choosing to scale back, your visitors could feel cheated when they get a meal with lesser quality.

Cooking Procedures

Each of the means in a cooking methodology that vibes naturally to you ought to show up exhaustively on your recipe card template for Word to keep up with consistency and quality. In Addition, every method ought to likewise have its relaxing time. Adhering to even the most minor directions could see various outcomes when plated.

Plating Notes

It will be here where you make sense of the bundling and show best practices. Similarly, observe things like how to add a caramelized sprinkle for a cheesecake, an update on the best way to envelop a chicken sub by the foil, and different guidelines. Recollect that individuals will see their food first before gobbling up it. Would it be advisable for it appears to be unique from what they expected, they won’t feel fulfilled by any means.

Allergen Info

This issue helps the front of the house and it fills in as a source of perspective point for any client with allergen issues. Further, cause a speedy note for dishes that contain nuts, gluten, or those methods for veggie lovers, vegans, and other exceptional weight control plans. For that, on the off chance that a waiter ought to request for benefit from a client, there is compelling reason need to call the chief or make a beeline for affirming.

Shelf Life and Other Storage Notes

Assuming that you make a portion of your feasts in mass, record the means for food capacity and current realities about how long these would endure. Exactness in this perspective can mean your restaurant would waste less food and see less spoilage.

Date Revised

The things in a menu can continually get exposed to changes. It could maybe come from some criticism that causes you to choose to adjust your recipes. Should such circumstances occur, modify your recipe card templates alongside the date. From that point forward, you can impart these progressions to your staff so the change doesn’t be unnoticed.


Recipe cards are layouts that you might custom at any point make for every one of your recipes on the menu. Moreover, the recipe is a cooking equation passed starting with one age and then onto the next while exhibiting a laid-out culture. These recipe cards are similarly well known among homemakers and expert cooks. To assist with saving your lovely recipes, the recipe producer permits you to make alluring recipe cards. A recipe card can help you wonderful feature your recipe and cooking abilities.

FAQS (Frequently Asked Questions)

How would I make a recipe card format?

  • Open Canva. Open Canva and look for the “Recipe Card” plan type. …
  • Investigate formats. Need some motivation? …
  • Find highlights. Simplified components from Canva’s library onto your page. …
  • Tweak your card. …
  • Offer or print.

How might I make my recipe cards?

Pick a recipe card template. Browse our collection of recipe cards, pick your #1 format and afterwards click “Customize” Add Photos. Transfer yummy photographs or infographics from your gadget. … Customize. Investigate our recipe card producer to make the format one of a kind for you. … Share.

Is there a recipe format in Word?

Even though Word doesn’t have a particular template for a recipe book, you can change a layout rapidly. Double tap the primary template to show up in the query items, “Booklet.” shortly, the book opens. Look at the pages to find out about the design and what you’ll need to change.

Does Excel have a recipe template?

An Excel recipe template offers not just the valuable chance to compose a recipe for your staff, yet additionally adds the calculating power which Excel is known for, making it simple to work out your expenses simultaneously as composing the recipe.

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Shariq Ali

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