
25+ Free Punch / Reward Card Templates [Word, PDF]

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If you are running a proper business, the punch card template will work best for you. A punch card is a valuable strategy for marketing. In addition, by using the templates, you can make the punch cards more enthusiastic for the customers.

What is a punch card?

A punch card is a piece of paper or cardboard that is used by businesses to get more sales. It is used to provide benefits to the customers. It is also used to keep track of how much and how often customers make purchases in a store. Moreover, it is also known as a loyalty program because businesses start increasing their sale by offering reward points after completing the card. When the customer completes the card then he/she receives a reward from the business or company. There are different kinds of rewards that customers obtain.

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Benefits of having punch cards:

Some benefits of having punch cards for your business are;

  • You can use the punch cards to introduce a loyalty program which will increase the likelihood of the customers. Providing your customer’s loyalty cards encourages them to keep coming back.
  • By providing something to the customers when they complete their cards, you will express gratitude and appreciation. However, it also acts as motivation for your customers to not only keep on coming back but also make a good image of your business.
  • As an owner of a small business, to take a step ahead of your other competitors, you can start a loyalty program. It is the most useful and easiest marketing strategy. So, if you providing rewards to your customers then they will surely give you an edge over the competition.
  • Designing and making punch cards aren’t just easy but also don’t cost much. Also, with the help of social media, it became very easy for the word to spread.
  • These cards can be designed by anyone.

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How to make your own punch card?

Here are some tips that will help you in making your own punch cards; Tip#1: At first, when making a layout, select a normal card size in a landscape format. Tip#2: You can select an image or a minimal design for the background of the front side of the card. You should select those images or designs on which all the text and information can be clearly read. Tip#3: If you choose a photo for the background then there is no need to add a logo because it will make your card too crowded and full. You just have to write your company’s name. on the other hand, if you choose a simpler design, you can add your company’s logo along with the name of your company. You should also check Printable Stock Certificate Template. Tip#4: Next, on the front side of your card, you can also write the title of your loyalty program. Keep it simple and short so that it grabs the customer’s attention. Tip#5: You should also add your establishment’s address on your punch card. It is helpful for the new customers to visit your establishment after hearing about your promotional program. Tip#6: Provide your contact information along with your address. It will be helpful for the customers in order to get more information about your program. Tip#7: Now, at the back of the card, you just have to write down all the terms and conditions of your punch card promotion. There is no need to put much thought into its design. Tip#8: Leave some space for the icons to be placed in front of your card. Your icons can be more complicated like graphics.

Advantages of Having Punch Cards for Your Business

Making a reward card for your business would be incredibly helpful on the off chance that you might want to support your deals and spread the news of the items and products you offer. Enormous organizations intermittently utilize reliability program impetuses, for example, to urge clients to continue to return until they complete the card and get the award. New organizations and more settled organizations can profit from the utilization of such devices, which are straightforward to make and you can begin giving them out at whatever point you need to begin. We are discussing some benefits which are related to prize cards for your business.

To Encourage Clients to Visit Again & Again

Presenting a client dependability program using reward cards would improve the probability of rehashing clients. An attempted and tried strategy, giving your clients dependability cards will make them want more – and your devoted clients should be compensated. You will not simply reinforce the probability of clients proceeding to disparage your business, however, it could likewise be a method for you to begin elevating your business to get the interest of new clients.

To Give Gratitude to Your Clients

In utilizing payment cards for your steadfastness programs, you are additionally showing them appreciation and appreciation by giving something back when they complete their cards. Having these would act as an inspiration for your clients to continue to return as well as get the message out about your great business.

Push Forward in the Competition

On the off chance that you’re a proprietor of a little or enormous business, you can begin an unwaveringness program to make a stride in front of your different rivals. This is a very valuable promoting system that is not difficult to make and easy to design. Giving prizes to your clients will give you an edge over the opposition and it will guarantee that your clients are blissful and they will hold their reliability to your business.

It’s Easy and Economical

Planning and printing something as basic as a reward card is just difficult however it doesn’t cost a lot. This straightforward yet viable instrument can be uninhibitedly given to however many clients as you wish and receiving incredible benefits for your business will be certain. As a result of virtual entertainment, it would now be significantly simpler for the word to spread, particularly if the ideal individuals begin promoting your program and it begins moving via online entertainment stages. Envision this large number of coming from a basic piece of paper or cardboard and the prizes that come toward its finish.

They can be Completed by Anyone

We as a whole skill helpful punch cards are and large brands and organizations are now utilizing them to build their client maintenance. Be that as it may, regardless of whether you are simply beginning with your business, you can give out payment cards to acquire a ton of clients and hold them. This would be great showcasing and promoting for your business and it would help you out expertly.

Step-by-step instructions to Plan Your Customer Loyalty Program

If you’re wanting to begin your devotion program for your business, following a few moves toward arranging and executing it would be savvy. Peruse on to figure out how to plan and complete your dedication plan:

Plan Your Goals

The absolute initial phase in arranging a dependability program is to contemplate your objectives for having it. Typically, you’d need to expand your deals or promote your image or your business to have the option to hold your clients and acquire clients simultaneously. You can likewise involve this as a way to find out about your clients by observing the item which they purchase the most during the entire promotion time frame. Everything relies upon you. Think of your arrangement of objectives which will permit you to work on your business.

Settle on the Type of Tool You Would Use

There are various kinds of devices you can use in dedication programs besides reward cards. Punch cards are basic yet viable and give a great component to the entire purchasing process. Be that as it may, you can likewise go with the accompanying: Versatile Apps: You can request that your clients download a specific application on their cell phones and sign up to have the option to partake in your dedication program. You can utilize a point framework utilizing applications and it would be best if it’s easy to utilize. The disadvantage of this is a few clients probably won’t download your application just to join the program, particularly if they are new clients or they aren’t exactly standard clients in your business. Check Cards: These are plastic cards like credit charges or cards which can be swiped or checked at whatever point a client makes buys to procure focuses. The drawback of utilizing this is you will not have the option to refresh or tell your clients of advancements or different projects except if they are standard clients who are continuously purchasing from your store or shop. Electronic mail: Some reliability projects would include recording clients’ email addresses so focuses are consequently given to them through a framework. The disadvantage of this device is that there would be less correspondence and commitment with clients, which might cause them to lose interest in the entire program. The apparatus you would utilize would rely completely upon you and your objectives. Check your market and see which would be the best one – the more current ones or the customary reward cards which appear to be well known up to this point.

Layout Your Point System and Rewards

You would need to think of a point framework for your dependability program. Setting a specific measure of procurement would be comparable to a point. Contingent upon your items and your procedure, the point framework for every devotion program you send off would undoubtedly change. It probably won’t be really smart to involve a similar point framework for various projects and advancements. You could likewise attempt to give focus each time a client makes a buy, no matter what the sum, as long as the buy arrives at any rate esteem. This would urge clients to continue to return until they’ve arrived at a share and they can get their prize.

Execute Your Program and Follow-Up

At the point when you’ve arranged everything out well, you can send off your reliability program and begin giving out your prize cards for business (assuming you choose to go with reward cards). Try to publicize and showcase your reliability program well so that you’re clients take great consideration of their prize cards and make on want more. On the off chance that not promoted well, clients may very well take a card and overlook your program, which would be such a waste. You ought to likewise see how well the clients answer your program. If you have a great reaction – as expanded deals and more client turnout, whether new or customary clients, then you have a decent program going. If not, then perhaps you can change your system or change your program for the following time you send off it. The prizes could be food things, products, limits or administrations. Once more, you’d need to attempt to recognize which would interest your clients the most. This would in all likelihood rely upon the items and administrations your business brings to the table.

Prizes for Completing Punch Cards

Presently we should examine the clients’ main thing from a dependability program – the prizes. The prizes are the ultimate objective of the greater part of your clients as they would continue to return until they can finish the punch card (or gather a particular measure of focus) and guarantee them. We should investigate a few prizes which would function admirably as the ultimate objective for your reliability programs according to the clients:

Free Food Items or Beverages

The most famous prize organizations give out (particularly when prize cards are utilized) would be a free exceptional food thing or a free beverage. Cafés, cafés, bistros and even food stands generally give out their punch card layouts and toward its finish, an item will be given to the client free of charge. Other non-food-related organizations can likewise team up with cafés and food administration organizations to give a prize of a free dinner once the card has been finished.

Free Products or Merchandise

You can likewise punch your clients’ cards which would permit them to guarantee a free thing, either from your store or from one more store for nothing once the card is finished. Clients love getting free products and they would in all probability make one want more on the off chance that they understand what they will receive compensated with consequently. This could be as straightforward as a shirt, a mug or something basic yet of superior grade, so your clients don’t turn out to be disheartened toward the end when they get their prize.

Free Advertising Tickets

Free tickets could be a fun limited-time reward given to the clients when they complete their punch cards. These could be show passes, film tickets or other such limited-time tickets for unique occasions. Giving out these sorts of remunerations would make your clients want more, particularly on the off chance that you figure out how to get passes to the trendiest occasions and blockbuster films.

Free Services

Offering free administrations when a reward card is finished can likewise be a fine prize for your clients. Clients would likewise see the value in free administrations -, for example, spa medicines, plan administrations and such as these prizes would be extremely helpful and reasonable.

Limits on Other Merchandise

One more gainful prize for clients is to give them limits on different things and products when they can finish their payment cards. The valuable chance to set aside cash can be a productive inspiration for clients to hold returning to your foundation to make buys. You can offer limits on labour and products from your foundation or prove with different organizations for limits. Ponder which of these prizes would tempt your clients the most. You’d need to know your market so you can settle on which prize would suit your business the most. Simply recall that when you give prize cards to clients and urge them to continue to return to top them off, ensure that the compensation toward its finish merits every one of their endeavours, as that is what your clients merit.

Step-by-step instructions to Make Your Punch Card Template

Making your punch card for your business is both simple and tomfoolery. There is no expected organization for making a prize card layout, yet you would have to place significant data for it to be true, effective and helpful. Observe these rules in making your prize card: While making a design for your plan, utilize the typical card size in a scene design. For the front of the card, you can either involve a photograph for the foundation picture or you can go with a more insignificant plan, practically like a business card. Simply ensure that anything plan you pick, all the text and data on the card can be perused. For reward cards with a photograph for the foundation, it would be smarter to simply compose your organization’s name as opposed to the logo. Including a logo on top of a photograph could make your card look excessively swarmed and full. For prize cards with a less difficult plan, you have the choice to embed your organization’s logo or you can likewise record the name of your business if you truly have any desire to keep it basic. If your unwaveringness program or your advancement has a title, you can incorporate it here. However, it’s vital to keep it short and straightforward. Something appealing that your clients will consider being eccentric or tomfoolery and will recall however long your program is dynamic. It would likewise be useful on the off chance that you add your foundation’s location on your punch card. Adding the location would help in permitting new clients to visit your foundation once they know about your limited-time program. Besides your location, you ought to likewise incorporate your contact data. This would make it simpler for clients to reach you if they need to know more data about your foundation or your reliability program. Presently comes the tomfoolery part. For you to have the option to punch on your payment card layout, you should assign some space for symbols to be set before your card. The symbols can be just about as straightforward as clear shapes or more muddled, similar to designs. You can likewise put numbers on them so your clients know the number of buys they would need to make before they get the prize. The last symbol could likewise have a sign that they have arrived at the prize and this could either be a word or a basic realistic, something which will make your clients realize that they have arrived at the end. For the rear of the card, you don’t need to place a lot of thought into its plan, except if obviously, you need to. At the rear of the punch card, you can compose every one of the agreements of your unwaveringness program or punch card advancement. Once more, ensure that you word the terms just and in short sentences. This is so you can give all the data while as yet keeping a text dimension which would be simple for your clients to peruse.


In conclusion, a punch card template is an effective tool that you can provide free as many customers as you want. Bear in mind that during providing punch cards to the customers ask them to fill them in and return. Also, ensure them that the reward is justified.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

How much data might a punch at any point card hold?

A standard punched card could hold 80 sections of information, with every segment regularly addressing 1 potential person of a text line. Every section comprised 12 spots, so you could call it 12 pieces, however, the encoding didn’t utilize every single imaginable mix.

What is the idea of a punch card?

A punched card (likewise a punch card or punched card) is a piece of firm paper that holds computerized information addressed by the presence or nonattendance of openings in predefined positions. Punched cards were once normal in information handling applications or to control computerized apparatus straightforwardly.

How punch cards could be utilized as stockpiling media?

Before the broad utilization of attractive stockpiling gadgets, information was put away on punched cards. The program would cause a record (punched card) to be added something extra to memory, the data was refreshed and another card was punched. The documents subsequently made were successive, the records being put away in a numeric grouping.

Which sort of blocks are punched into a punch card?

The most well-known punch blocks are the 66 and 110 blocks. The 66 blocks have been broadly utilized for joining 25 sets of phone wires together. Advancing from the 66 blocks for voice is the 110 block for information, which is comprised of columns of four IDCs that are utilized to join coordinates.

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