
Free Pie Chart Templates (Powerpoint)

free pie chart template 5

A pie chart template is a round graph that you can use to show data. It isolates information and insights into fragments inside the circle concerning the information given. A pie chart is otherwise called a circle because of its shape. The separated portions, or cuts, of the pie chart, ought to amount to 100%, which addresses the entirety. A pie chart template is a pre-made plan in PowerPoint or Excel, where you can add your measurements to make exact and respectable pie charts.

With regards to imagining information, pie charts are the most ordinarily utilized chart type. The most effective way to profit from a pie chart is by guaranteeing you have information that amounts to 100 per cent. This will guarantee that you set up a legitimate perception and portrayal of the information. A pie chart’s sectioned cuts, which are at times hued or concealed, simplify it to dissect data. You can draw pie charts in Excel or utilize pie chart templates for various purposes, for example, for business, training, buyer overview, costs, population information, and so on.

These information perception outlines have been utilized for just about 200 years, because of the possibility of William Playfair. That’s what he trusted assuming the information is interesting to people, they will decipher it proficiently. Utilizing a pie chart is the most ideal way to share your data accurately and rapidly.

This article will zero in on making a pie chart, the kinds of pie charts, and how significant a pie chart is for showing information, measurements, and other data. This article will tell you the best way to make a pie chart in Excel and give free templates that you can tweak to address your issues.

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Powerpoint (.ppt, .pptm)
Size: (405 KB)

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Powerpoint (.ppt, .pptm)
Size: (96 KB)

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Powerpoint (.ppt, .pptm)
Size: (71 KB)

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Powerpoint (.ppt, .pptm)
Size: (148 KB)

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Powerpoint (.ppt, .pptm)
Size: (72 KB)

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free printable pie chart template
File Format
Powerpoint (.ppt, .pptm)
Size: (59 KB)

Using Pie Charts: When and Why

Pie charts offer a visual portrayal of information to show its relative sizes. That implies you want a pie chart to address information that has data concerning an extent. Pie charts permit you to help your crowd effectively analyze which information is bigger and which is more modest.

A pie chart can be utilized to imagine information for a few unique purposes. For instance, you can utilize a pie chart to show the various sorts of clients of the business, to show how students from various classes performed at school, to design an eating routine, to separate the family financial plan for different exercises, and so on.

Before Making a Pie Chart

To ensure you comprehend how a pie chart works, its different parts, and some other key thoughts connected with a pie chart, you ought to give close consideration to the data underneath as you make one. To guarantee you utilize a pie chart appropriately, you want to have a complete number that can be partitioned. The point is to think about each cut and perceive how it looks at the entire gathering. You can likewise sum up the information in a table before addressing it in a pie chart.

The two principal segments of a pie chart are the class and the worth, which is the extent, sum, or recurrence of that class. They incorporate the focal point, surface region, and circular segment length. The circular segment length is relative to the amount it addresses. Additionally, the information utilized in pie charts can emerge out of one series for every pie chart, without any zeros or negatives.

Pie charts can’t be helpful on the off chance that they are not named and have no qualities. Likewise, you shouldn’t think about information across pies since the information, in this situation, is isolated and shown on various pies. It is ideal to zero in on different sorts of charts to make a correlation. At long last, try not to utilize pie charts on the off chance that your information doesn’t give an entire or summarize to 100%.

The most effective method to Make a Pie Chart in Excel

To make pie charts for your slides or introductions, we recommend you settle on PowerPoint. PowerPoint wouldn’t assist in that frame of mind with diagramming estimations or complex information examination, however, it presents the pie charts all the more expertly by. Along these lines, if you’re only searching for better visuals and introductions, you can look down to our free pie chart templates for PowerPoints.

Aside from utilizing a pie chart template for PowerPoint,

Here is a bit-by-bit process for making a pie chart utilizing Excel. With these means, you will want to accomplish something other than making a pie chart template. For instance, you will want to add names and change the presence of your pie chart. Also, utilizing the details given toward the finish of this segment, you can additionally organize your pie chart template.

Making a pie chart

Stage 1: Open a clear worksheet in Excel and enter the expected information into the worksheet. Continue to choose or feature this information to make a pie chart template.

Stage 2: In light of your Excel, you ought to click Chart to see the different pie chart choices or Insert tab and afterwards click Chart to see the pre-planned pie charts.

Stage 3: Select the kind of pie chart you need and snap on it; the chosen pie chart will show up on the worksheet.

Stage 4: Roll out visual improvements to the pie chart and text styles on the off chance that you’re following a subject.

Stage 5: Save this report as a pie chart template for some time later.

Reading a pie chart

You should put your cursor on top of the pie chart to understand it. Each cut has a rate perusing that amounts to 100 percent. Much of the time, it is ideal to add marks to the pie chart for simpler perusing.

Adding names to a pie chart

At the point when you make a pie chart template, the legend will naturally show up. Notwithstanding, it is trying to peruse the pie chart by actually taking a look at the legend. The best thing is for you to mark the pie chart.

Stage 1: For the classification name to show up on the pie chart, you want to right-click while your cursor is on the outline, and a drop-down menu will show up.

Stage 2: You will tap on “Add Information Marks” for the mathematical qualities to show up on the pie chart.

Stage 3: You can likewise add different marks, similar to rates and clear-cut values. To do this, you ought to right-tap on the pie chart and snap on “Format DataLabels.”.

Stage 4: Click Labels on the window that opens and roll out the improvements or choices you want before clicking Ok. A portion of the determinations include adding the series name, the thing that isolates everything, and where your marks will show up on the pie chart.

Changing the presence of the pie chart

You can change the presence of the pie chart template by following the means given beneath:

Stage 1: Fast formats, styles, and subjects

Put your cursor on the pie chart, and the chart instruments will show up with choices about the plan, design, and arrangement of your pie chart template. You can put your cursor on the various choices until you get what you want.

Stage 2: Moving the pie chart

To move your pie chart starting with one side of the sheet and then onto the next, click on the outline region or its edge and drag it to where you need to put it.

To move your pie chart to one more sheet inside a similar exercise manual, right-click on the chart and select Move Graph. You can either pick one more sheet in a similar exercise manual or make another one. You can likewise tap the pie chart itself and snap Move Chart on the Chart Tools tab.

Stage 3: Resizing the pie chart

Click on the side of the chart area and drag it to get either a bigger or more modest size. The space inside the chart area is consequently resized by Excel.

Stage 4: Turning the pie chart

Change the cut that is at the highest point of your pie chart to turn it. To do this, right-click the pie chart and select Format Data Series starting from the drop menu that shows up.

Then, you ought to click Options and enter a value in the Angle of the First Slice box. You can increment or decrease the value until you get your pie chart to look how you need it.

Stage 5: Adding chart titles

To add a chart title to your pie chart, click Charts in the ribbon, then, at that point, click on Chart Format. Presently, to remember a title for your pie chart, click on the Chart Title. Try to pick the position where you believe that your title should show up also. Contingent upon the variant of Excel you are utilizing, you can likewise tap on the pie chart itself to uncover the Chart Tools on the strip where you will tap on Layout and afterwards click on Chart Name to choose the situation of the title.

For the main strategy, the genuine title as indicated by the information series will show up. Nonetheless, for the subsequent technique, you can tap on the chart title, erase it, and afterwards modify the title you need.

Stage 6: Pie chart legends

Since a legend seems at whatever point you make a pie chart, you can decide to erase it by right-tapping on the legend and clicking Delete.

To change the presence of the legend, right-click on it and afterwards click Format Legend to roll out the vital improvements.

If you have erased the legend yet believe it should show up once more, click on the pie chart itself to uncover the Chart Tools on the lace, where you will tap on Layout, then click on Legend, and select the position where you believe that the legend should show up.

Stage 7: Tones, text styles, and foundation

To change the colour of your pie chart, you ought to tap on the pie cut whose appearance you need to change and double-tap it. It will open a Format Data Point window where you can click Fill to make the colour, surface, or even picture changes.

To change the text style of the information names (in addition to some other changes to the information marks), you ought to right-tap on the information mark, then click on Format Text, and select the progressions you need to make on the pie chart.

To change the background of the outline region of your pie chart, begin by right-tapping on the space in the chart area and afterwards clicking Format Chart Region to change the background.

Stage 8: Detonating pies and detonating slices

To make the pie chart more straightforward to read and to feature a particular worth, it is ideal to utilize this impact when your pie chart contains numerous mathematical qualities in a solitary information series.

While making your pie chart template, rather than the 2D choice, select the Exploded Pie choice. After making the pie chart, you can drag any cut you need, and your pie chart will change likewise.

You can likewise detonate a solitary cut by tapping on the pie, choosing your cut of decision, and hauling it out of the pie to make the impact.

Extra Pie Chart Options

There are alternate ways that you can tweak your pie chart. For instance, you can incorporate new classifications, change the presence of the cuts, and even add WordArt. With the assistance of Excel’s arranging apparatus for new classifications, the slices can be naturally arranged by size, from littlest to greatest.

For figuring out slices, you can likewise consolidate every one of the little slices into one class named “Other.” The best and simplest method for doing this is by entering your mathematical qualities into Excel, very much like you would when you need to make a pie chart. Nonetheless, guarantee that you incorporate every one of the mathematical qualities that ought to fall under “Other” in one single line and name the class “Other.”

For making WordArt, it is absurd to expect to apply it to chart elements. To that end, you ought to make it in Word by featuring the text, tapping the Addition tab, and afterwards picking WordArt. Then, select the choices you need and snap on them to frame WordArt. It can then be reordered as information names or titles in your pie chart.

Free Pie Chart Templates

To save time and make the interaction more straightforward, you ought to utilize a pie chart template to make a pie chart for information portrayal and examination. With a pie chart template, you can work in a more coordinated way with less pressure. You can get to our free, simple-to-utilize pie chart templates intended for experts in PowerPoint. Our templates incorporate various varieties of pie charts to guarantee you can get to precisely the very thing you want.

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free pie chart template 3
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Powerpoint (.ppt, .pptm)
Size: (51 KB)

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free pie chart template 4
File Format
Powerpoint (.ppt, .pptm)
Size: (372 KB)

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free pie chart template 5
File Format
Powerpoint (.ppt, .pptm)
Size: (662 KB)

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free pie chart template 6
File Format
Powerpoint (.ppt, .pptm)
Size: (473 KB)

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free pie chart template 7
File Format
Powerpoint (.ppt, .pptm)
Size: (1058 KB)

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free pie chart template 8
File Format
Powerpoint (.ppt, .pptm)
Size: (707 KB)

Varieties of a Pie Chart

There are various varieties of pie charts that you can utilize while showing information and measurements. Some of them are portrayed underneath:

Basic pie chart

This basic circular diagram is the most well-known among the various sorts of pie charts. Isolated into cuts address rates or various extents that complete the entire (100 percent).

Relative pie chart

This pie chart is utilized to analyze the information and measurements envisioned in the pie chart. There are normally two essential pie charts that are utilized to look at the addressed data.

Bar of a pie chart

A pie chart is made of cuts that address specific data. In situations where there is a sub-class of a specific cut of data, you should utilize a bar of a pie chart to address this data. A bar pie chart is a pie chart that addresses a subset or subcategory of data.

3D or exploding pie chart

This is a fundamental pie chart with a 3D look to be more outwardly engaging than a customary pie chart. You can utilize a 3D or detonating pie chart template to either grow the data or feature a part that is vital to your crowd.

Doughnut graph

A doughnut pie chart seems to be a fundamental pie chart that has an opening in the centre. They are the best pie charts to utilize assuming you want to address more than one information series.

Points to Recall

Here are a few focuses to recall for making, utilizing, and designing a pie chart for information portrayal:

Incorporate annotations

Incorporate annotations assuming you maintain that your crowd should have the option to comprehend the information you are imagining. These are little remarks that will assist with making sense of what you are addressing in your pie outline.

Consider the slice request

To deliver a significant slice request in your pie chart, consider the greatest and least information focuses while making the pie chart. Taking into account the request for the slices will make the perusing more straightforward. It is ideal to begin from the upper right and move the request for slices from the greatest to the base data of interest in a clockwise course.

Limit the number of pie slices

Continuously keep a limit of five slices for each pie chart. Restricting the quantity of pie slices is significant because it makes it simpler for the reader and keeps you from utilizing colours that have proactively been utilized for other pie slices. The pie chart is intended to imagine information, and that implies restricting these slices makes it more straightforward to read the information.

Stay away from 3D and exploding impacts

Keep away from 3D and exploding impacts at whatever point conceivable while making a pie chart in Excel. These contorting impacts might prompt a wrong portrayal and perusing of information. You want to abstain from crushing, adding profundity, or in any event, extending and pulling your pie charts in Excel. They will more often than not add pointless mess to the information.

Sort your information seriously

Whether it is in a slipping or climbing request, you want to figure out your pie graph information definitively. While making your pie chart in Excel, you can likewise sort your information in sequential requests. Arranging your information seriously will make it simpler for your crowd to see and peruse your information.

Wipe out the legend and name the information straightforwardly

Another significant thing you ought to do while making your pie chart in Excel is to straightforwardly take out the legend and mark the information. This implies you ought to make adequate room in your pie chart to guarantee the slices have both the name and the worth, consequently disposing of the legend and the time squandered perusing between the legend of the information and the information addressed in the pie outline.

Use Colour in a calculated way

While making a pie chart in Excel or PowerPoint, consistently use colours, however decisively. Variety helps get the notice of the crowd. You want to have different variety codes to address the information being introduced in every pie slice.

Try not to attempt to fit a pie into incongruent information

Guarantee you utilize viable information in a pie chart. You shouldn’t utilize a pie chart if the information to be addressed doesn’t amount to an entire or 100 percent. While working with information that is now communicated as a rate yet may not amount to 100 percent, practice alert.

Pie charts ought not to be utilized to analyze gatherings

Try not to utilize pie charts assuming you want to analyze information between one gathering and another. A pie chart is best used to look at information or data inside a similar gathering. You will require an alternate kind of graph to look at gatherings.

Try not to analyze values from various pie charts

To look at values across numerous pie diagrams, don’t utilize a pie outline. You ought to utilize a stack bar outline or a line diagram for a gathering to-bunch correlation. A pie graph is best utilized for examination inside a gathering.

Limit the number of slices

Try not to have an over-the-top number of pie slices to serve your crowd and legitimate readability. You can stay away from numerous more modest classes by blending them into one and labelling them “others.”


A pie chart is a circular perception of information and insights intended to show a section or level of an entire portrayal. To make a legitimate pie chart that will simplify it for your crowd to read and comprehend your information, ensure you stick to the tips given in this article. Likewise, guarantee your pie chart has information that amounts to an entire that is 100 percent. Ultimately, to make your pie chart, utilize one of our pie chart templates for PowerPoint or our guidelines for doing such in Excel.

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