
20+ Free Printable SBAR Templates [MS Word]

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    The word “SBAR” comes from its abbreviation (“Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation ”). The use of the SBAR template is the best and specific to provide you and doctors with a vital way of communication with other medical professionals. However, In this technique, the use of communication between the health care team about patient’s condition.

    What is SBAR?

    SBAR is a standard to communicate medical information. Simply, it improves accuracy and helps to correct dangerous errors. It Stands for: (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation) The above four terms are the key facts. However, all should be conveyed properly. SBAR is a standard and safe way for doctors and nurses to discuss the patient’s condition. Initially, this concept was used by USA Navy. It is used as a resource for Nuclear Submarines. After the success, it is also starting to use in the health care system in the 1990s. The SBAR technique becomes so successful as a source of a statement between the medical system regarding the patient’s condition. Moreover, the use of the technique in nursing becomes popular. Further, it helps in discussing the immediate condition or action of a patient with critical status. Finally, with the use of this SBAR technology, it becomes easy that what type of data for communication is required. How it should be among the members of the health team.

    Free SBAR Examples

    With the help of SBAR examples, it is quite easy to understand. You can easily implement it in the nursing and project management system. You can get more information by downloading the SBAR examples below. You may also like Progress Notes Templates.

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    Why Use SBAR?

    SBAR got approval from the Joint Commission. Similarly, it is the best practice of communication between Physicians and nurses. Similarly, after approval from the commission, this tool becomes so effective. Moreover, the nurses send a message to doctors about the condition of patients. Further, the information delivers in a standardized way, the chances for human error is less. As a result, the accuracy improves with the use of the SBAR technique.

    When to Use SBAR?

    Use SBAR to discuss urgent or non-urgent patent information with pros like doctors, physicians and nurses. There are more points to include:

    • Talk to physicians, physical therapists and other professionals.
    • Physically discussion and phone calls
    • Change of shift or transfer message
    • Resolving issues about patient
    • Briefings about safety
    • When you’re rising a worry
    • Call for a response team

    How to use SBAR?

    Whether you use it in oral or written communication, it requires time to organize things Situation: When you create a short statement of the problem. The word “short ” is key here. With the help of SBAR, you remove irrelevant information. Further, make sure you recognize yourself, your unit and your patient’s name. Background: You should have a brief overview of the situation. Similarly, it includes diagnoses, medical information or names of doctors involved. Further, anything which should be relevant. Assessment: To give a summary, what’s going on. Review the result of a lab test. If you have no idea about assessment, say that. Recommendation: Clearly explain what you are demanding. Similarly, to the point about suggested action and timeframe. Moreover, In a verbal message, repeat any order back so you can get better accuracy. In Addition, making a recommendation can be as simple as saying, “I would like you to check on this patient”

    SBAR Templates

    The SBAR templates are available free of copyright. However, You will find all information here related to a patient. Further, It also covers the situation, background, assessment and recommendation. It’s a one-page SBAR form. You can use it for actual communication or use it as an SBAR worksheet.

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    Who Should Use SBAR?

    According to AHRQ, SBAR should use the following:

    • Nurses communicating with physicians
    • Nursing assistants chatting with Nurses
    • Physicians with other Physicians
    • Residents, who are attending physicians.
    • Nurses with other nurses.
    • Nurses to technicians
    • Pharmacy to nurses or physicians
    • Administrators to physicians

    Most nurses use this SBAR tool. However, there is no restriction on the use of doctors for communicating with other specialists for taking advice. For Instance, a General Practitioner can use this tool for taking advice from a specialist about his patent’s case.

    What is the evidence base For SBAR?

    In the medical field, there are different practices conveying a message and these include shift-reporting in a room, by phone, at the nurse’s station or a patient’s bedside. Moreover, most of the works involved in these methods give us an indication to use standardized communication. To overcome these methods, one such tool is the use of the SBAR template. Similarly, it helps people that they speak up about the issues they are facing. In Addition, with the use of such action, the risk of opposing actions is reduced. Moreover, you adopt a safe culture in the hospital. On the other hand, this is an excellent tool to remove negative outcomes for patients. Further, you can provide a solid foundation in healthcare by improving communication between caregivers. In this regard, SBAR can play a vital role, what communicating needs, how to structure messages and what are the required fundamentals. Furthermore, an SBAR template provides methods to transfer important information. In Addition, allowing active participation in your attention. Moreover, You can add more details or ask queries during the discussion. In Addition, patients are also aware of how you and your staff work as a team. This gives satisfaction to them, that everyone involved knows and agrees on the care plan.

    SBAR Communication Templates

    These templates are workable for medical professional fields. Moreover, it also works quite well in project management. The SBAR Communication templates are available for download.

    What is the Best Way to Write Good SBAR?

    The use of SBAR Communication templates is providing a solid platform. Similarly, it is ideal in a critical situation, where more attention needs. For Instance, in the medical field the immediate attention from nurses, doctors are important for curing a patient. Moreover, the SBAR template is providing a key role and fewer chances of human errors. Without using a template can cause poor communication issues. Similarly, this can be crucial in many fields. Moreover, always consider its elements when writing an SBAR:

    • Situation: This posture the question, “What’s going on with the patient” or “what’s the situation you’re calling about”. Further, this situation includes the patient like vitals, code status and your concern as the nurse.
    • Background: This contains the question, “What’s the key clinical context or background”

    Moreover, there are many situations related to the background that is given in detail.

    • The date of admission
    • The admitting diagnosis
    • The list of current allergies, labs and medications
    • The most dynamic recent signs
    • The lab results with the time and date of tests and the results of previous tests.
    • Code status

    Other medical-related information.

    • Assessment: This raises the question: “What is the patient’s current situation”. What is your assessment of his situation? In this element, you discuss what the problem is. In Addition, You include the history of the patient with the current assessment.
    • Recommendation: Here the question is, “ What do you want to do” or what do you recommend?. You can explain the physician’s actions which include tests. In Addition, few examples of recommendations are explained here.

    The patient needs to be seen now

    • Notification about patient’s admission
    • Order change
    • The SBAR Communication template does not work automatically, Therefore, you must include
    • You need to analyze the issue before speaking, writing or calling a physician.
    • Before the arrival of the physician, the information needed is there.

    Follow the SBAR checklist, in which all relevant data with precise information should be there. Moreover, you come across the SBAR examples in different situations. But it’s not always effective. In Addition, there are some cases where the use of SBAR is not a good idea.

    If the other person is not aware of SBAR concepts.

    The SBAR is a challenging concept for learning & Practice. However, it needs a thorough understanding of the subject matter with developments. Further, if the environment is not supported, and the health team is not supportive, it will not work. Normally, the R in the SBAR is the weakest element. Moreover, nurses are scared to give recommendations to physicians. Another drawback is when you use the SBAR technique for bedside reporting. In Addition, you wake up the patient or their family for discussion. Moreover, health care units and professionals should find an alternative way. Further, they should not wake up the patient or not involve in the process. Additional disadvantage relates to bedside charting. Similarly, using this technique with the disclosure of new information or sensitive topics that the patient or their family doesn’t know yet. A solution to this problem is making new plans with other nurses to share sensitive or new information before and after the bedside report. Although, the effective way to use the SBAR technique is to keep the information confidential. Moreover, only doctors and nurses have information about this technique. In Addition, don’t share it with patients. In Addition, it can cause negative opinions in the mind of the patients. Finally, this may delay the use of this SBAR communication template. You should also check Medical History Form Templates.


    To sum up, the SBAR template is a unique and specific way to communicate with you and your doctors. Similarly, doctors, physicians can take advice from other practicians about their patient cases. This tool is helpful for nurses as well. In Addition, nurses send a message to doctors, physicians and physiotherapists inform about the condition of the patient. This technique is useful for those who have complete knowledge about its follow-up. The disadvantage is if you are forcing it on the health team, and they have no proper understanding, it will not work. The SBAR communication tool is only useful if it implements with proper knowledge and awareness in any field like medical and Project management.

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