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Free Immediate Resignation Letter [Examples & Samples]

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There are many instances where employees are forced to leave their job due to their reasons. Nonetheless, this is not a professional approach that you give resign to your employer without prior notice. Writing an immediate resignation letter will go in your favor and will show your proficient value in the eye of your manager. If you are a permanent employee, you have signed a formal contract, and as per rule, you should give thirty days prior notice for leaving an organization. By violating proper notification, the company had a right to sue you for breach of contract.

What is the process for resigning immediately?

If you resign immediately by putting a solid fact that you are not treated well, and you want to leave immediately, sometimes verbal notification is enough. But in all multinational organizations, rules are pretty strict; you have to give written notice for your exit. Now it’s up to your manager that he allows you for 2- week notice or you have to complete one month’s notice as per your contractual requirements. Reigning goes in favor of the employer because the employee wants to leave, and its extended stay can be harmful to the business due to disruptive behavior. You may also like Resignation Letter Templates.

Resignation Letters with Immediate Effect

If you are resigning by immediate effect, your employer has a right to take legal action against you by showing a job agreement that you are bound to provide a one-month notice and clear all your work responsibilities concerned with you. Nevertheless, the owner’s behavior can be polite towards you, and he agreed on your immediate quit and cleared all your dues and remaining balances. Suppose you do an in-person meeting with your owner, outline reasons for your leaving, offer the offer to facilitate position transition, express your gratitude, and try to give him constructive feedback. In that case, he can agree on your formal resignation letter, and you can quit immediately.

The Most Common Reasons for Resignation

It is a common practice that you give 2-week notice to your employer for leaving a job. Whenever you apply for a new job, your previous reference counts a lot. If you left with friendly relation with your last owner, this would help out if your new manager gets some feedback about your work from your previous boss. The common reasons for resignations are as followed:

Crisis In Your Life

You are in a financial crisis, and you got an excellent opportunity through your salary, which can be better, and you can come out from anxiety and depression.


Health is wealth, and if you are not fit and the load of work from this job is affecting your health, you have no other choice to quit this job.

Working in an unsafe environment

An unsafe work environment means when an employee is not comfortable doing his duties, and the workplace is too dangerous. If exposed wiring is there or equipment is broken or work with the hazardous material, you have to work with the hazardous material. These are all becoming the cause for working in an unhealthy environment.

Psychological, Physical or Emotional Harassment

When you feel that there is no dignity and always there is a personal attack on you, the environment is unfriendly or you are becoming targeted by calling your name and sometimes pushing you or trying to fight with you. You feel uncomfortable and want to escape from such a workplace, and you prefer to give an immediate resignation letter from your job. Nobody wants psychological, physical, or emotional harassment in his/her life, and the only way to keep you away from such mental, physical or emotional torture is acquiescence from your work.

The request is risky, illegal, or unethical.

Sometimes your immediate boss is giving you a task that is not according to your job’s specification. The task is offered to you after the office hour without giving overtime. His behavior is abusive. He is giving you some important documents to send to other companies against company policies, and your job can be in danger or, if you are caught, can be terminated from your work. Suppose your owner is targeting specific gender, region, race, disability. In that case, your supervisor should take notice, and if he is helpless in this regard, then the correct decision is an immediate resignation letter.

Resignation Letters: What to include?

It’s your right to resign immediately for personal reasons. It comes in a generous and professional act. In this notice, you are showing your conclusion from your work. There are some basic formats for notification that you need to follow.

Use basic Format

In an introduction, clearly state your objective. You give reasons that why you reach to this conclusion of giving resignation.

Date of Leaving

You communicated with your employer about the last date of employment. You tried to convince him that I can’t continue further and show your gratitude and say thanks for all the support you got in this esteemed organization.

Provide Assistance in training colleagues or easing the transition

Your tone should be supportive that you are ready to assist in training colleagues so that your work will not suffer and it will continue smoothly in my absence. Thank you for this opportunity and for ending it on a polite note Show your gratitude to your boss that the time I spent here was one of my beautiful experiences in my life, and it will remain as golden thoughts in my mind.

Brief Notice: Reasons

You have to convince your boss that why you are asking for the short notice. You can give a reason for immediate joining because it didn’t join on committed time. My lifetime opportunity chance will be lost and very rare in life you got such golden opportunity. You should also check Employment Application Templates.

What are the steps to resign Immediately?

Getting ready to resign is not an easy task. It’s essential that when you are giving a resignation letter, you should do a face-to-face meeting with your manager. Explain the points which are relevant and be on topic. Employment Date: Always try to be polite and give reasons for your leaving. Give your last employment date to your manager in a letter to be aware and manage all the things before you leave. 2-Week Notice: Try to give at least a 2-week notice, which favors your long-term relations with the organization. If your current company goes down after six months, you leave a good impression in your last company by following all steps. You have a great chance that your previous company can hire you again. Provide Assistance to Train Colleagues: Assisting your colleagues will leave a good impression that you still have positive thoughts about your leaving company and you don’t want that company will suffer. In good faith, your effort is to hand over your work to another employee, and in this way, work will continue without any trouble. Reason For Leaving: Always try to talk to your manager first in this regard. However, it’s not easy to talk but convince him that this is your life-changing opportunity. Always appreciate your supervisor for his outstanding support, and I had a great time here. Submission of Resignation Letter: The best approach is that you hand over your signed immediate resignation letter to your manager or employer. You should keep one copy in your record. It will help you that once your short notice is over, you have a piece of evidence to leave immediately.

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